Wednesday, March 11, 2009

sinus infection,magic mushrooms,foot acne

"it's raining men yea but we don't give a fuck
you won't see me out there with a rubber duck"
(sneak preview of me and Christina's future hit single "it's raining men")

music,music everywhere and not a drop to drink. This is how I've been feeling lately. Like musically I'm completely out of the game and letting less talented and more obnoxious girls take my place. it is of course, my fault. I could have easily pursued singing and kept it as a hobby but uhhh I started smoking massive amounts of marijuana? Either way, I've let this passion go for the time being but it still hurts to hear a tone deaf bitch sing a song I could harmonize to perfectly. Kind of pretentious I know...but fuck it, it's my blog and I shall write anything I choose! I had a great to chill with some old time buddies from Nam, my fantastic Father and even Jake came from the rural confines of Brooklyn. I had it all Peg, ya shoulda seen me out there, dancing,spinning, like a dreidel on the first night of Hanukkah..These old gams of mine used to pay the rent in tips alone. Either way you look at it,Burt Reynolds had a great mustache and a hell of a career. And thats why, thats really why..Rosie will never be sexually attractive, even to the Queen herself,Jodie Foster. Have you ever thought about sex as the only way to physically connect yourself to someone? If you have not you should not if you should not you always should and if you have then...shit.

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