Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Diner Dyke

Im going to get my period soon and my boobs are swollen and huge. Today on the subway I was seated between an old woman who kept falling asleep on me and a disgusting young Jew on acid (or shrooms,etc)..the Jew said something to me, something I couldn't quite understand..I am upset that I will never know. Few things are more terrifying then a man with glazed,bloodshot eyes. It gives the appearance of a man on the edge, a rapist if you will. After I put the little girl to sleep, I watched a documentary about a girl with no moisture in her skin,and no ability to shed dead skin..thus creating a child with bright red,constantly peeling skin with no distinct facial features. I was disgusted at myself and America for watching this and changed the channel to Degrassi.. just in time to see a girl getting molested by her Father (the girl with the large chin..) Living in New York has exposed me to all shuffles of the sad,and at least once a day I am overwhelmed by sadness for someone or something. I am trying as hard as I can!!! I am still deeply confused about what to do though,matters of the part. My craving is specific and I was once told "never go to the same source for a different outcome." I will meet the Guido of my dreams at the Jersey shore this weekend.