Wednesday, March 18, 2009

strokes for folks

jingle jangle baby, jingle jangle! I like to picture a homeless black man dressed as Santa Claus, holding a little Christmas bell and shaking it in children's faces, his eyes yellow and vacant from cirrhosis and general insanity. Each child that walks by gets a special treat when said homeless man shouts JINGLE JANGLE BABY, JINGLE JANGLE!!, furiously rocking the bell back and forth, holding out a paper cup that says "Jesus loves the homeless."
I feel really good about my life right now, but I'm terrified of the future in ways I never thought imaginable. I'm afraid of everything from never getting married to running out of fresh water and crops. It's so hard to relax and live in the moment, no matter how much I know it's the healthiest and most fulfilling way to live. Of course, we all as humans have a general fear of the unknown...but when does it become obsessive and damaging? I once heard that roughly 95% of thought is either fear about the past or the future. Think about often does a thought pass through your head that pertains to now. right now. right right now. I feel like my mind is constantly rotting and ripening, shifting every second to a different plane of time,a different mentality, choosing it's shape. If I was a romance novel writer my pen name would be "Isabel Rose."

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