Thursday, April 2, 2009

honey bunch

My vagina is famous. kind of. Immortal now,at best. It has been mentioned in a rap song. I saw a documentary called "Guys and Dolls" about men who buy 100 pound dolls that look and feel exactly like beautiful young women. I would fuck a doll, what's the big deal? This documentary was disturbing though, because it showed 4 men who used these dolls for more then sexual pleasure..they loved their dolls and treated them like organic women with souls and insight. I feel a hopeless sense of sadness for those who live lives of such intricate loneliness. I also fear becoming one of these people. Loneliness is far more then just being alone alot, it's a deafening reminder of your place in society or rather, where your place is not in society. I don't know how to entertain myself anymore, I used to be able to. I love to be alone and explore and wander alone, but I find myself wondering why in fact I actually am alone. What does it mean to not have another human being by your side? Is it tragic or just the way life is? Things are changing, cosmic and spiritual forces are slowly merging to create a new dimension. Soon we will all be thinking on a higher spiritual plane and communicating in ways we can't even imagine,as they don't exist within our human minds. I am sad today, I know exactly why. I would like to fuck a doll that looks like Shaft.

1 comment:

  1. Really? Because I if I'm gonna fuck a Real Doll it better be Sheshaw
